Fishing for Fluency!
Growing Fluency Lesson Design by Annah Logan Harrelson
Rationale: This lesson is designed to improve students reading fluency. Reading fluently means that a student has the ability to read quickly and at an even pace while still comprehending what they are reading. Fluency can make reading more enjoyable for students because they are able to read the story through smoothly and use expressions as they read. They must first be able to decode words in the text they are reading in order to have reading fluency. In this lesson, students will learn the strategies and skills that it takes to become a fluent reader through rereading the story The Rainbow Fish. If a student comes across a word, they are unfamiliar with and unable to decode, they could begin to try and figure out the word by crosschecking.
The Rainbow Fish picture book by Marcus Pfister (class set), Stopwatch/phone for keeping a timer
Pencil, Cover-up critter, Fluency checklist copies to give students, Chart to record words per minute while reading, Whiteboard, Dry erase markers.
1. The lesson will begin with the teacher explaining the concept of fluency to the students. Say: “Today we are going to work towards becoming fluent readers! Does anyone have an idea what it means to be a fluent reader? [encourage conversation] Being a fluent reader can make reading so much more fun and go a lot smoother! When someone is a fluent reader, they are able to read through a passage while understanding what the story is about and putting emotions and expressions into what they are reading. Fluent readers can read quickly without making many errors or stopping. Don’t we all want to be fluent readers?
2. Say: “We have our cover-up critters to help us decode, which means to read an unfamiliar word. I will show you how to decode a word I might not know - Let’s try the word fish as an example [write the word on the whiteboard]. I am going to use my cover-up critter to decode the word fish. I will first cover up all the letters except the first letter f. /f/…/f/…/f/. Next I will uncover i. /i/…/i/…/i/. Then I will uncover the sh and blend the phonemes together. /f/…/i/…/sh/…/fish/. This is the word fish. Let’s use it in a sentence: “The fish swam fast in the pond.”
3. Next, demonstrate a less fluent reader vs. a more fluent reader. Write the sentence, “I have a pet fish.” Read it slowly at first to show how a non-fluent reader would read the sentence. “I haaaavve a peeeet fiiiiish.” Next I will read it faster, with expression, and smoother to show how a fluent reader would read the sentence. “I have a pet fish.” Then I will ask the students, “Did anyone notice any differences in the two reading of the sentence? Could you tell one was quicker and smoother than the other? The quick, expressional reading was fluent – that’s how I want you all to be able to read! I want you to try and read quicker and with more expression so that you can better understand and enjoy what you read!”
4. Say: “I want you to read the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister at your seat. This story is about a rainbow fish who has super pretty scales! The rainbow fish think his beautiful scales are the most important thing in the world until one day another fish in the ocean asks rainbow fish to share some of his beauty. Rainbow fish is faced with a big decision to make. I want you to read it silently in your head to find out what rainbow fish decides to do!”
5. Students will read the whole book silently to themselves. Then they should each read the whole book aloud to a partner. They must not help their partner read while they are listening.
6. Then pass out the recording sheets and stopwatches to each group. Say: “Now we are going to play the fluency game. Put your listening ears back on to understand how to play. Reader 1 is going to start the game off and Reader 2 will be in control of the timer. Reader 2 is going to time how fast Reader 1 reads the first two pages. Reader 2 will then record the time on the sheet that I have handed out. After recording the information, Reader 2 will read, and Reader 1 will time and record. Do this three times each. As you listen to your partner read aloud the pages, I want you to be listening for how their reading changes each time. Do they remember more words, do they read with more expression, meaning more facial movement and change in their voice? Please mark these changes you notice in your paper.”
7. After the student pairs have read through the passage three times each, have the students come one at a time to read the first two pages to you. Ask them to bring their record sheet so you can attach it to the back of the assessment sheet. You will time them on the paragraph read aloud and use the formula given to record how many words per minute they read.
Fluency Checklist:
Title of Book: __________________________________
Student’s Name: ____________ Date___________
Partner's Name: ______________________________
1st reading: 2nd Reading: 3rd Reading: Time:
Read Faster:
Read smother:
Read with
(Words x 60)/seconds=WPM
Comprehension Quiz:
1. Which other fish in the ocean did the rainbow fish give one his scales too?
2. Who did the rainbow fish go to for advice about sharing his scales?
3. How many shiny scales does the rainbow fish have left at the end of the story?
Reading Tracker:
0 - - - - 10 - - - - 20 - - - - 30 - - - - 40 - - - - 50 - - - - 60 - - - - 70 - - - - 80 - - - - 90 - - - - 100
Adapted from Morring, Tindall. Reading Genie Website, 2018.
Adapted from Hogan, Lindsey. Reading Genie Website, 2018.